
Agility  involves your dogs negotiating different obstacles through a set course. All breeds of dog can take part, providing they are physically fit, and sound in movement.

We usually run agility classes over the spring, summer and autumn months at our training barn near Newtown, Mid Wales. These classes are taught by either Emma or Katie who have both competed in agility, in small non-affiliated shows and larger kennel club shows. Emma is an Agility Club Accredited Instructor whilst Katie has completed much of Susan Garrett's 'Handling360' program for agility handlers.

In our classes, first and foremost, we teach both our clients and the dogs that attend our classes how to use the equipment safely, taking into consideration their dog's physical condition also. We understand the importance of jumping technique, and safe lines for the dogs when navigating the equipment. We teach dogs to jump efficiently and safely, using a range of jump grids and can teach you to be able to analyse your own dogs jumping style and improve it if necessary.

We teach warm-ups, and cool downs and our classes cover canine fitness and conditioning exercises also. 
Dogs do not join our agility classes until they are at least, 10 months of age. We do not encourage dogs to jump at full height until they are approaching 18 months of age, we build up to this gradually.

Young dogs have ‘growth plates’, which are soft areas that sit at the end of the long bones. They contain rapidly dividing cells that allow the bones to become longer. Growth plates gradually become thinner as hormonal changes approaching puberty signal the growth plates to close. In puppies, the growth plates are usually closed by around 18 months of age. This varies with different breeds, with small breed puppies maturing faster than your large breeds.

Repetitive jumping at height, twisting and turning, can damage these growth plates if puppies are expected to jump to soon. This is why we build training skills, listening skills, focus off lead, and  ground work initially, before introducing the equipment.

We will usually check if your dog is able to focus on you around other dogs and people, before you join our classes. If they are not able to do this, or haven't been in group classes before, we will suggest either one to one training, or a basic obedience skills class first.